Tell Pennsylvania lawmakers that they
must give State Recognition to the
Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania!
Step 1: Click here to sign the petition
Step 2: Write your local & state legislators.
Click here for a downloadable sample
letter with important talking points.
Click here for a QR code flyer to print and hang.
More information, including legislator
contact info, on our home page.
(Scroll Down)
Pennsylvania is the only state (commonwealth) in the Lenapehokink that has never recognized its indigenous peoples. Lenape nations in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Canada have been recognized by their respective federal governments. Lenape nations in New Jersey and Delaware have been recognized by their respective state governments. The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is actively pursuing recognition by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with the support of our many community friends and partners in Pennsylvania (and beyond). Our people work in Pennsylvania businesses, vote for Pennsylvania officials, protect Pennsylvania rivers and watersheds, and attend Pennsylvania schools, colleges, and universities. We directly call upon Pennsylvania officials to recognize the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania.
You can make a difference by signing our petition and writing your local and state legislators!
(Click here for a flyer with a petition QR Code to print and hang around your town, if you would like to. Wanishi!)
In addition to signing the petition, you can write a personal letter to your local & state legislators.
We have provided a sample letter with important talking points you may download.
If you feel moved to do even more, you can also call them.
Send your letters to at least these five officials:
1. Governor Shapiro: 2. Attorney General Michelle Henry 3. Lt. Governor Austin Davis
Phone: 717-787-2500 Phone: 717-787-3391 Phone: 717-787-3300
E-mail: governor@state.pa.us E-mail: info@attorneygeneral.gov E-mail: LGoffice@pa.gov
4. Your State Representative 5. Your State Senator
It is important to contact your specific Pennsylvania State Representative and State Senator
Find your legislators and their contact info here: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/
Updates and future opportunities to lend your support will be announced in our monthly newsletter.
Contact us if you would like to be on our mailing list: info@lenape-nation.org.
Articles about our 5/1/23 Tamanend Day Rally for Recognition at the PA State Capitol:
CoNAM joins Harrisburg rally for Lenape of PA state recognition
Pennsylvania lawmakers called on to recognize Lenape Nation
Professors Martin, Revier Tout University’s Partnership with Lenape Tribe at State Capitol
Click here to view our Tribal Resolution Affirming the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
​Who are the people of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania? An easy answer is that we are the indigenous people of this land now called Pennsylvania. All of our members are Lenape people who must submit records of their Lenape genealogy to be considered for membership.Yet there is so much more. Our history is unique, and it is the story of families and survival. It is a story of honoring treaties and following certain leaders such as Issac Still, Tatamay, and Teedyuskung.
We are the descendants of the Lenape people who stayed in our homeland and of those who went west to Ohio and returned. Our families include descendants of Hannah Freeman, Issac Still, Killbuck, and Henry. Some settled in the Pocono Mountains and others in Allentown, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. Many lived on both sides of the Delaware River in Easton and Burlington where communities were documented in 1840. Our Brown and Still families come from the Brotherton and Shamong areas of New Jersey. Some descend from the inhabitants of missions such as Shekomeko, Friedenshutten, and Meniolagomeka. Others are the descendants of marriages between the Lenape and the earliest German immigrants. Our history is a rich one in which we take great pride.
We have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to increasing awareness of Lenape history and culture. Created to join together the members of the Lenape Nation and anyone else interested in continuing the development of the language and culture of the Lenape people, the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is active in the revival of tradition and community. We encourage partnerships among people and organizations in order to foster cultural, historical, and environmental education and preservation.
For over 10,000 years the area now known as Pennsylvania has been the homelands of the Lenape tribe. The early recorded history of Pennsylvania is deeply rooted in the relationship between the Lenape and the Europeans who settled here. There has been a rich exchange in culture, as well as early and continuing conflicts between those ways of life. As with all triumphs and tragedies, it continues to require thoughtful reflection. The Lenape people have survived displacement and upheaval. The very fact that we are still here is significant.
Today the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is active in the revival of tradition and community. For decades the Lenape have been teaching in Pennsylvania public and private school systems, and we continue to offer a unique and insightful view on the culture and history of Pennsylvania to all age groups and audiences. The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania encourages partnerships among people and organizations in the Commonwealth in order to foster cultural, historical and environmental education and preservation, and in many cases, a "re-education." Today the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania enjoys a formal partnership with over 130 organizations, including academic institutions, environmental organizations, faith-based communities, historic societies, and many others, who are committed supporters of our Nation.
We are in a time of renewal, and a time of great change. Our ancestors left many teachings for us to learn by and to share with others. Those teachings often focus on respect and commonality among all living things. It is often said that we cannot know our future if we do not know our history. The history and continued presence of our people is a long and winding story that has faced much erasure, and needs to be re-told often and authentically.
Fulfilling a Prophecy: The Past and Present of the Lenape in Pennsylvania is a fully collaborative exhibition, organized by the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Museum and the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania. The exhibition draws from oral histories, family heirlooms, and photographs, as well as archaeology, historical and ethnographic research. Following the exhibit's long run at the Penn Museum, it is now housed at our Cultural Center and Trading Post in Easton, PA. For more information about the Lenape people, click here to visit our exhibit page, or come tour the exhibit in person at our Cultural Center.
The Lenape people are the original inhabitants of eastern Pennsylvania, southern New York, New Jersey, and northern Delaware (collectively referred to as the Lenapehokink--"land of the Lenape"). For over 10,000 years we have been the caretakers of these lands and of The River of Human Beings, more commonly known as the Delaware River. The Lenape were the first tribe to sign a treaty with the United States and the first tribe to have land set aside for them in New Jersey.
Over a period of 250 years, many Lenape people were removed and dispersed throughout the country. Some took refuge with other tribes. A large number of Lenape families remained in the homelands and continue the traditions of their ancestors up to our present day. Today the Lenape people from all over Turtle Island (North America) are revitalizing their communities.
Many place names in Pennsylvania are derived from the Lenape Language, such as Manayunk, Conshohocken, and Neshaminy...to mention only a few. In the city of Philadelphia stands a statue of Chief Tamanend, a revered leader among the Lenape, who signed many treaties with William Penn. The history of the Lenape is truly the history of Pennsylvania.
Ever since our people were fractured by colonialism, there have been Lenape people spread across the country, continent, and beyond. We are not the only nation of Lenape people today; other nations of Lenape people represent both the Lenape who remained in our homeland and our diaspora, and carry on Lenape tradition and culture today:
Nations representing Lenape who have remained in our homelands:
The Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware (DE)
The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania (PA)
The Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation (NJ)
The Ramapo Munsee Lenape Nation (NJ)
The Sand Hill Indians (NJ)
Nations representing Lenape who were forcibly removed from our homelands:
The Delaware Nation (OK)
The Delaware Nation at Moraviantown (ON, Canada)
The Delaware of Six Nations (ON, Canada)
The Delaware Tribe of Indians (OK)
The Kansas Delaware Tribe (KS)
The Munsee-Delaware Nation (ON, Canada)
The Munsee Tribe in Kansas (KS)
The Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians (WI)
The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is committed to working with our Lenape cousins of all nations, homeland and diaspora, recognized and unrecognized by federal or state governments. We are all relations. We are all Lenape.