Tell Pennsylvania lawmakers that they
must give State Recognition to the
Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania!
Step 1: Click here to sign the petition
Step 2: Write your local & state legislators.
Click here for a downloadable sample
letter with important talking points.
Click here for a QR code flyer to print and hang.
More information, including legislator
contact info, on our home page.
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The Rising Nation River Journey
Treaty of Renewed Friendship

The 2022 Rising Nation River Journey:
July 30 - August 20

The 2022 Rising Nation River Journey
On August 24, 2002 an historic event took place at the Pennsbury Manor, the former estate of William Penn in Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, that marked a new beginning of friendship between the Lenape People of Pennsylvania and the people that neighbor the Delaware River. The Treaty of Renewed Friendship was signed by the Lenape and a number of organizations and committed individuals who wish to actively support Lenape culture and to act as good stewards of their sacred Delaware River and homelands.
In order to commemorate and promulgate the treaty, the signing was coupled with an equally historic and monumental three-week canoe journey, which began at the top of the Delaware River in Hancock, N.Y. and culminated in Cape May, NJ. Members of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania welcomed any committed individuals to paddle along with them, and they stopped all along the river to hold signings of the Treaty and offer programs about Lenape culture and presence. Treaty-signers were welcomed to offer presentations on their initiatives in stewarding the environment and promoting awareness of Lenape culture.
It was agreed that the re-signing of the Treaty, as well as the River Journey, would take place every four years, and did so again in the years of 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018, and 2022.
As of the 2022 Rising Nation River Journey--which marked the 20 year anniversary of the Journey and Treaty--over 130 organizations--including environmental groups, colleges and universities, mayors, faith-based organizations, historical societies, and others--and over 300 committed individuals have signed the Treaty of Renewed Friendship. These wonderful relationships have resulted in continuous collaborations to help combat the erasure of the Lenape People in their homelands and protect the lands, wildlife, and waterways of the Lenapehokink.
The next Journey and Treaty Signing will take place in the summer of 2026. All are welcome to join us on the river, and all committed individuals and organizations are invited to join our "Rising Nation" and sign the Treaty of Renewed Friendship!
If an organization would like to become a treaty signer prior to the next River Journey, we are happy to discuss setting up a private or public Treaty-Signing event; however, we do ask that your organization attend a signing during the next Journey to show your support and enter into the full four-year term of the Treaty.
The journey down the Lenape Sipu (Delaware River) is a joint effort to raise awareness, awaken the spirit, and bestow the past, environmentally, culturally and historically, to the future. It is meant to promote the awareness that the Lenape people living in Pennsylvania are carrying on their ancestral traditions, culture and spiritual beliefs, and that they are engaged in numerous projects to provide practical ways for all citizens to respect and protect our homeland and the health, welfare, and future of the next seven generations of our children. Our aim is to promote the awareness that the state of Pennsylvania is the only state in the Lenapehokink which has not officially recognized its indigenous people, and to invite citizens and political representatives to sign this treaty so that we may fulfill the dream envisioned by our founding fathers, William Penn and Chief Tamanend. Finally, we desire to put the fear, pain and humility of the past behind us, once and for all, and to walk together into the future in the spirit of the Fourth Crow.
Goals of the Journey
In Books
In Books
"Supporters Canoe for Survival: A peace treaty will be signed between the Lenape and the Delaware River Greenway Partnership, a consortium of more than 100 government agencies and nonprofit groups." Associated Press, Aug 2002.
Click Here for Photos of the 2018 Sojourn
Click Here for Photos of prior Sojourns
The Treaty of Renewed Friendship
The Treaty states that those who sign acknowledge the Lenape as the indigenous caretakers of these lands and agree to support the Lenape Tribe in their own unique way. Although this is not a legal, binding document, it is an agreement of heart, mind and spirit. Its words carry the integrity of our ancestors and the hope of our children. Those organizations and individuals who sign this treaty will forever be a part of our mutual history and the stories that we tell our children. They must make the commitment to "stand up well" as a living testament to the fact that environmental, cultural, and historical awareness is the key to our future.
Treaty of Renewed Friendship
In the spirit of Chief Tamanend and in the spirit of William Penn, we, the undersigned, do openly recognize the Lenape Indian Tribe as the original inhabitants of Pennsylvania. We acknowledge the Lenape people as the indigenous stewards of their homelands and also as the spiritual keepers of the Lenape Sipu, or Delaware River.
And we do hereby commit actively to support our Lenape sisters and brothers in whatever way we are able to, for a term of four years, helping to maintain the cultural identity of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and Southern New York.
We will support the Lena’pe people in one or more of the following ways: Hosting Cultural / Educational programs, partnering as caretakers of the Lenape homeland and Delaware River, assisting in Lenape Language revival projects, assisting in displays/exhibits of Lena’pe culture,
helping the Lenape people to obtain and/or protect sacred land sites, encouraging updated curriculum in public schools, attending Lenape functions, volunteer service and support, distributing information, financial assistance.
We also recognize that this treaty is good for a term of four years, August 17 th , 2014 until August 17 th 2018, at which time a new treaty may be entered into.
May these partnerships serve to heal the past, give direction for today, and brighten the future as we move forward, learning from the mistakes of some of our forefathers, and may we, together, bring to light the cultural and geographical significance of Pennsylvania, preserving this natural history for all of our children.
May the Creator of all things embrace us as we move ahead.
Our 2022 Sponsors
The Rising Nation River Journey is all about collaborating with conscientious community organizations and individuals to work toward common goals. The Journey is funded largely by the kindness and support of those who donate.
We are currently welcoming donations from organizations in the form of monetary donations or gift cards for food, accommodations, boat rentals, etc. Please feel free to contact us to make a donation for the River Journey.
-See our itinerary for a list of hosting organizations who are providing venues, resources, and/or food for Treaty-Signing Events.
-See our GoFundMe page for a list of individuals who have offered donations. Wanishi!
-We especially want to thank:
The Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic Management Council (www.lowerdelawarewildandscenic.org) for supporting the 2022 Rising Nation River Journey with funding from the National Park Service (CFDA: 15.962 - National Wild and Scenic River System).
The Mountain Watershed Association, for supporting the 2022 Rising Nation River Journey with funding from the Direct Support Fund, which is made possible by The Heinz Endowments, The 11th Hour Project, and The Plastic Solutions Fund and is a project of the Mountain Watershed Association. For more information or to apply please visit www.mtwatershed.com.
The Claneil Foundation for supporting the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania with funding from the Field Building Grant.